Monday, April 3, 2006

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The real shirt with a mustache is that of Charles Bronson Charles Bronson

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invented punch cards

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9 and April 10 ballot will be recognized the board of Charles Bronson: Will the only party with the symbols that struck hollow indeed (kitt)

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Gimli the Dwarf said ...
" With a single rifle shot Charles Bronson has been dry all the dirty dozen "
Oh dear Gimli but you may not remember that a young Charles Bronson still does not have a mustache, was just one of those in the Dirty Dozen:) But even then showed his talents, as in that film blew up a building of the Nazis. In fact, the dirty dozen remained alive only Lee Marvin and ... Charles Bronson course

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Once Charles Bronson went to Oktoberfest. It was exactly the same time that Hitler said that Germany had at last a secret weapon .. (freikorp)

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consumption bullets Charles Bronson weekly is equivalent to the GDP of African three years (carlo)

Monday, March 27, 2006

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series of Death Wish has stopped on the fifth episode. For lack of living relatives.

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When someone is killed the relatives of Charles Bronson, the box of bullets sings in her drawer "Peel" Cristiano Malgioglio

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Charles Bronson is the secret identity of Chuck Norris. Or vice versa. Has not yet understood. Those who had approached the resolution of the arcane mystery, he found himself in the case, who was killed by a kick or a rotary revolver
O by a cast of 44 Magnum. (freikorp)

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To greet someone, Charles Bronson shoots "Hello."
Or you download a lot of bullets in him to write "Hello" back, style doormat.
And then you also used as a doormat. To wipe the blood from the shoes

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Winnie the Pooh has a little Chuck Norris hung on the phone. Chuck Norris has hung up the phone a bullet, signed by Charles Bronson.

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The Moon is full of craters because Charles Bronson, having destroyed all the pterodactyls, he had run out of bullets. And Charles Bronson does not end up hating the bullets

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Charles Bronson bought a Kinder egg, and inside he found Chuck Norris. (brutallara)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

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Charles Bronson won the marathon in New York every other competitor shot in the legs with a single gunshot.

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The film "Assassination" (aired just now again on that channel) has claimed the beauty of a billion dollars. 95% of the budget was for the purchase of bullets, rockets and explosives. The families of the killer killed by Charles Bronson did not go to reparations.

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Here's the succesivi Venice Marathon was enough to show the .357 magnum at registration (via internet) to be already proclaimed vinvitore.

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Charles Bronson has killed the last of the Mohicans. (Gimli the dwarf)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

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The Lord of the Rings before meeting Charles Bronson was a simple metal disk of the Lord (by Volkhan)

Thursday, March 9, 2006 Membership Problem

Communication Service
- Uuh that cool the My first communication service!: P So, I'm not kidding this time ... In The Death Wish 4, airing NOW on Rete 4, which is also my tract avatarino, scene of the wells. Charles Bronson fired four gunshots. On the ground are two whole gang of racketeers.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

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Pimples Charles Bronson does not leave little holes. They leave scars. When you survive. (Milu)

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Charles Bronson is not the shit shot. It buckshot .357 magnum caliber jacketed piercing. Prohibited by the Geneva Conventions. And the tenants below are dicks ...

Monday, March 6, 2006

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When Charles Bronson shoots, takes aim. Order to bullets where sticking. And they are running. (Bacuz)

Friday, March 3, 2006

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When Charles Bronson says, "I must tell you something" never respond "Shoot" ...

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The last time he got drunk Charles Bronson was in Chernobyl and it was April 26, 1986 (Volkhan)

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Charles Bronson when he shoots the balls he does seriously. His friends, since they know they can no longer bear children. (Volkhan)