Monday, April 3, 2006

What Does Medicure Mean

The real shirt with a mustache is that of Charles Bronson Charles Bronson

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey With African Cichlids

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9 and April 10 ballot will be recognized the board of Charles Bronson: Will the only party with the symbols that struck hollow indeed (kitt)

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Gimli the Dwarf said ...
" With a single rifle shot Charles Bronson has been dry all the dirty dozen "
Oh dear Gimli but you may not remember that a young Charles Bronson still does not have a mustache, was just one of those in the Dirty Dozen:) But even then showed his talents, as in that film blew up a building of the Nazis. In fact, the dirty dozen remained alive only Lee Marvin and ... Charles Bronson course

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Once Charles Bronson went to Oktoberfest. It was exactly the same time that Hitler said that Germany had at last a secret weapon .. (freikorp)

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consumption bullets Charles Bronson weekly is equivalent to the GDP of African three years (carlo)