From number 23 of February 24, 2008
THE grudge
A caries, even just a very small cavities. And that will never be!? A quick visit by your dental professional confidence, a small amalgam filling in less than no time, everything comes back as before. Or maybe not? In truth no one ever asked what was inside that silver patina that usually is used to Resaturated corroded the tooth, if no one has ever asked, because no one would ever think of to get to investigate something so normal and so widespread. The most commonly used dental amalgam (in Italy there are two dentists and a half out of three) is formed by a special mixture of tin, silver, copper and small amounts of mercury .... How? We got it right? Mercury?? That is in our mouths, there would be small numbers "irrelevant" the second most toxic mineral on the planet? (The first note be the asbestos). Well, yes.
The seriousness of the situation is further exacerbated by another bitter consideration: the fact is that while here in Italy nobody talks about it, in many parts of the planet this debate is largely on a few years and specifically ... more than half a century! United States (where the amalgamation has been repeatedly declared illegal and then rehabilitated) more dentists use of alternative products (ceramic fillings or synthetic natural alloy) in Germany (an amalgam of the producing countries) have been even institutions associations against this product and organized millions of lawsuits to the producers of the fillings (cause of course won). But there's more: in many European countries they do not use hardly any. We speak of Sweden, Denmark and Norway (from January 2008 where the use of dental amalgam has even been declared illegal.) Of course these countries have justified that decision because during the cremation of dead bodies had been predicting a large amount of mercury (once again remind that mercury is toxic) released into the air with serious damage to the environment. So the environment in our mouths would be toxic but is not harmful?? This is the paradoxical justification "official" medical sector (justification in Italy has also led to a clear decree by part time Minister of Health Sirchia). In fact, in Italy apart from a special report on Raitre aired in 1998 and the publication of two books by that Adolfo Panfili, nobody knows nothing and has never heard of. Everything has disappeared behind the official voice comforted. But all the justifications given were (let us say) absolutely vague, confused, in fact. The damage to health caused by mercury are well known and very serious. Many suffer from a disease called mercurialism (a disease among other things, is not easily diagnosed) and when, without knowing of the disease or of mercury nell'amalgama, you make a good filling, are beginning to have serious health problems. But even for those who are not "allergic" to the mercury risk is there because we're always talking about something toxic (there I had not said that mercury is toxic?). It is estimated that the minerals of the amalgam may give rise to chemical reactions or magnetic fields in our own mouth (where the environment is necessarily a prerequisite to damp these reactions) and release of the amazing amount of mercury that they end up mostly in brain and the rest scattered 'here and a little' for the whole body. Every body reacts differently to mercury, but the symptoms most commonly encountered are mostly in the nervous system and endocrine system with depression (many people are kindly requested to consult a psychotherapist: they are sick and you reply, "you have nothing! It's all in your head! "), irritation, anxiety attacks, fatigue, weakness, headache (due to magnetic fields, however) ... Also there is damage in the digestive and respiratory ... So the fact there crime.
without false alarms, I'd like to just ask those of you voluntarily agree to be mouthing something toxic (and potentially very harmful), among other things, knowing that there are viable alternatives?? I believe none. Well here in Italy works that only those who have some valid information (the problem is always that) can decide what to do and how to seek treatment and all other well ... that remains is to rely on the official voice of Medicine.
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