Monday, February 19, 2007

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The long awaited moment has finally arrived. It 'was in fact scheduled for tomorrow (February 20, 2007) the first posting of "" to the Capitoline temple of culture. After only three months and then from the "historical" foundation, the paper is split and thus began the long-awaited "colonization" in the first university in Rome. In addition to the current number, will then be reprinted and riaffissi for the occasion, even the numbers 8 and 10 of the newspaper.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

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Editorial Maud. it No. 11 on Feb 19 '07

pretend to be healthy
The critical philosophy has dealt several times to find and order the many means by which the discipline and the power they have "possession" of our consciousness and our ability to judge. But maybe he was repeatedly neglected to mention that this subject does not involve rational and cynical ever only our soul and that is indeed the same manner also directed against the body . A body that our culture has lost all his great sacredness: debased religion first, then commodified by advertising. but I do not want to miss in theoretical discussions on this concept, because I believe that an intellectual can not do anything about that mystify further this already established game of mirrors. What I intend to do so will only specify a shameful fact. That state, with bitter consciousness of there (as a human being) solely by reference to a guinea pig. I'll be direct: I believe that medical science (like all other forms of technology) we can not really longer be seen in terms of progress. Indeed, I am deeply convinced that medicine today is one of the major forms of alienation. Doctors, clinics and various drugs have given rise to such a new example of human being, a homo Aegeri living unconsciousness of being such. The medicine does not heal anymore. We lost health returns (at best) but it does lay perfectly in our own illness. We live and we pretend to be healthy, even if in the end we are not. And instead we are deeply sick, in millions of different ways, but nevertheless we live, thanks to more miraculous medicines, as if nothing had happened. As if we were really healthy. It is miraculous that? And while I read, for example, that Europeans take twice as many antibiotics really necessary. And that such a disproportionate use, in the long run, would encourage even while the same bacteria that are evolving in an ever more important. Some people even think that all too soon some diseases for which today we feel protected, they will return to be lethal. The fact is that most abuse of antibiotics (always to continue with this example) and more resistant strains of bacteria may develop. But how is it possible that you have reached this point? Indeed, there's no real surprise when you consider that today in Italy 6% of boys (for another example) is commonly used antidepressants. But these are only a few small personal considerations (certainly not the last that I will in this regard). What is important is to see the sad fact that now the only solution to everything seems to have only to turn to their trusted doctors. And the medicine today is without a doubt the most important market in the ascendant. And for this to be the most fraught with sad speculation. One solution to this filthy state of affairs is not likely. Or maybe you. hypochondriacs of the world unite!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sample Of A Monthly Daily

From number 10 on Feb 09 '07


P ar afra sando Marx: the devaluation of world of men goes hand in hand to l is the values \u200b\u200b z organization in the world of things. And the thing, the object antonom to is, that c he alone can permanently ttersi have all others, this value onnipote ion is now the money, that "visible god " as already addressed him kindly Shakespeare. But the fetish that our n egg arche means is pe r self disumanizzan you: what is already Simmel indicated by the formula d ell'oggettivizzazione of subjectivity. So money becomes the measure of all things, the only ver or authentic assessment criterion to which to appeal. And then there is no more beautiful nor ugly, nor the good and the bad. Nor is the right of istingue more by what is not. It only takes a small sacrifice (economic) and everything turns into his perfect opposite. So even those who are in the wrong, with little effort, can allow rsi all the reason of which he need. The values \u200b\u200bare forgiven so fatally into question, virtually emptied of all meaning market. Nowadays you can not even speak of 'ontology . Because where was the ' be done is to take over any part of the' have ! I am what I have, what has or . And only apply to the extent that I can appear. And 'as if the accident pe r itself had replaced the same es without: category Rie who live independently of their substance. And this is also the basis of the new relationship of dialogue, not more confrontation, but of fin alienating the need and its satisfaction.

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Editorial number 3 on Nov 13 '06


The political machine is targeted to the individual, involving him in every respect. It moves at a subliminal level but does so with a fierce and expansive mode. The swallows slowly but in a totalizing (and totalitarian), especially the anesthetized impiguendolo new feel-good rhetoric and familiar phrases. Peddles the same old values, transmuted in form but not substance. The political machine creates its legitimacy: it gives a display of power and it does so using the freedoms that so ably and grant dispensation. It teaches us, therefore, to choose between "absolutely not something that we like" and "something that just would not want" political machine is the banner of civilization. It 's a Chinese box, a spinning wheel. And that never stops. Why would be obvious if you stop the play of mirrors. The hypocrisy of the system. The irrationality of own reasons. The illiberality of their rights. The fact that each value is really only a consolidated and injury. Justice equals income. The tolerance of exclusion. Forgiveness to bourgeois paternalism of some of our judgments. It 's like the shell game: the awareness that we can actually participate is only illusory. It 'takes the appearance that the body behind his precept. It 's the classic rule of non-compliance. We are not really us demiurges! Here we are, we are the pawns in a game that makes us unaware of our everyday players "not decide". Every effort, even the most courageous, especially as each compartment is therefore our energy is fatally expenditure in order to satisfy our desires grander. But the point is once again this: we are pursuing dreams that we do not really belong. Down the mask then means any political machine with its dreary rhetoric of power is therefore functional only to a well-established dictatorship of the market that branches off its tentacles everywhere in the name of "holy" globalization. But that does not mean expropriation globalize another man what belongs to man by virtue of its unknown needs. Induced. And this is not necessary. And 'the new colonialism, people!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Can I Play Farmville On A Blackberry?


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