Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sample Of A Monthly Daily

From number 10 on Feb 09 '07


P ar afra sando Marx: the devaluation of world of men goes hand in hand to l is the values \u200b\u200b z organization in the world of things. And the thing, the object antonom to is, that c he alone can permanently ttersi have all others, this value onnipote ion is now the money, that "visible god " as already addressed him kindly Shakespeare. But the fetish that our n egg arche means is pe r self disumanizzan you: what is already Simmel indicated by the formula d ell'oggettivizzazione of subjectivity. So money becomes the measure of all things, the only ver or authentic assessment criterion to which to appeal. And then there is no more beautiful nor ugly, nor the good and the bad. Nor is the right of istingue more by what is not. It only takes a small sacrifice (economic) and everything turns into his perfect opposite. So even those who are in the wrong, with little effort, can allow rsi all the reason of which he need. The values \u200b\u200bare forgiven so fatally into question, virtually emptied of all meaning market. Nowadays you can not even speak of 'ontology . Because where was the ' be done is to take over any part of the' have ! I am what I have, what has or . And only apply to the extent that I can appear. And 'as if the accident pe r itself had replaced the same es without: category Rie who live independently of their substance. And this is also the basis of the new relationship of dialogue, not more confrontation, but of fin alienating the need and its satisfaction.


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