national Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The slow recovery of high dell'Azzorre to NE with an attempt to link with the high Scandinavian going to fit in cut-off on the Tyrrhenian former Iberian depression and closed pincer between the two HP remain static on our seas by causing a second and more intense storms of the past that this time will violently throughout Italy with the exception of only the larger islands.
This situation will remain blocked until the weekend promoting rain and mild temperatures, so for the rest after an improvement on Saturday, Sunday we will have a new worse for a trough of Arctic origin that fail to exploit a small and temporary collapse of the North Sea Weijkoff bridge that will form in the coming days between the Azores and Scandinavian design, this small drop in the cold Arctic current models would seem to throw themselves into the Mediterranean from the Rhone valley, bringing a moderate decline in new thermal instability and the possible return of snow on the average, between the Alps and north Apennines.
The day will occur on Wednesday disrupted across Italy poiogge everywhere with the exception of the larger islands and on the north and temporal regions Tyrrhenian; trend cessation of phenomena in the evening on the Adriatic side, snow above 2000 meters altitude, decreasing during the day up to 1500 meters because of heavy rain.
temperatures falling almost everywhere due to heavy and persistent rainfall, milder on the Adriatic side where the precipitation will be less intense very mild and mostly on the islands for the present.
Strong winds of the Adriatic Scirocco, weak S / SE rotating from SW in the afternoon and evening on the intensification of the western basins.
roughest rough or the Adriatic Sea, moved west with the Baccini waves rising from the evening.
-forecast by Stefano Ricci on the basis of WRF 12Z ECMWF Lamma Lenedì March 14.