The structure we are interested in low pressure will be disappearing for days now closed by the provision of a bridge Weijkoff dell'anticlicone Azores all'anticiclone joint Scandinavian, but will still have time to bring bad weather with rain showers until Saturday, while the weekend There should be accompanied by an improvement in thermal cooler coming from the east.
bad weather on the north with rain showers mainly affecting areas and Alpine foothills, rainfall only at drizzle low or absent between Liguria and the Po Valley, snow over 1500 meters, over 1800 in the Dolomites.
center on bad weather with heavy rainfall especially on the Tyrrhenian coast in the afternoon, overcast skies but little rain on the Adriatic side, the possible return of a few sprinkling of snow on the highest peaks of the Northern Apennines.
On the south and iosole bad weather with rain and thunderstorms in Campania and Sardinia, clouds of little significance or peaceful elsewhere.
Temperature steady or slightly declining everywhere.
Moderate winds from the south with rinforsi Libeccio of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea.
Mari wavy, locally moderate the Tyrrhenian sea.
-forecast by Stefano Riccio based WRF Lamma ECMWF 12Z of Tuesday, March 15.
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