I recently received from the Landfill Committee Ferrovie Nord Milano an important mail. From this I understand that the hopes nourished before Christmas about, at least, the opening of a crack on the front basement (he spoke of the appropriation of € 100,000 for The feasibility study is the work in Sevenoaks with possible expansion to Meda), now seem to fade away for the umpteenth time. In the Region do not want to listen to reason: the burying of trafficking in Northern Railway Milan interested in Seveso and Meda not want to do.
I ask you now: will we ever see these lines underground?
The traffic situation gets worse day by day, and I speak mainly for Meda, due to air pollution, and seems more unbearable (the data of the Regione Lombardia Meda say is the most polluted city in the region !!!).
Add to this that the work should start in 2009 in the foothills that profoundly affect Meda with the placement of a toll / toll access in the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction of the highway Milano-Meda (remember, toll greeted with applause by the Adelio Asnaghi mayor who called him "a source of pride for our city").
The closure of some access highway such as Seveso, lead to a huge concentration of traffic in Meda and its toll.
From bad to worse ....

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