Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Prometh With Coding On Shelf

Editorial Maud.it number 15 11 April '07


Life and politics are certainly not the terms of a dichotomy. fact as it may seem paradoxical, perhaps the one (policy) is an absolutely necessary component for the other. There is no life without politics then. Nevertheless, the building of our modern individualism would seem to suggest quite the opposite. Today the reality is really become one with capitalism and this shows nothing more than a certain immutability of the system. In other words: another world is not really possible. And even imaginable. This is the only scenario in which, willy-nilly, we must necessarily relate things to take stock of the situation. The problem today is that our life is clearly limited solely to the private. What I mean is that really no longer able to live in some dimension that is political, and indeed it seems that this has not in us any more importance. But it is not. And precisely because of this can only emerge strongly (in times like these anywhere else), frustrated that requirement to restore a political meaning to his life: just politicize it. In fact, stifled the "political will to live" remains an ineradicable instinct and inalienable human right that is. To say you want to politicize their lives means so only claim that it was denied. What is needed therefore is break strong chains of bourgeois individualism and look beyond the constraints that this imposes on us our reality. Would you say well Galan Wenceslao: "blackmail the reality is that of closing each of us according to his life." politicized But life is nothing but the life you consciously say no to this blackmail. The life that wants to return to live and wants to live again. The life that is resistant to common sense. The life that "the reality hole" and claims that each new hole itself.


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