For info:
Within the Faculty of Humanities of Tor Vergata has appeared in recent days, a leaflet in which the neo-faculty advisers Valentina Pochesci and Massimiliano Macera announce their expulsion from the movement ACTION UNIVERSITY order to devote himself - say - only the needs of all students, regardless of political party system. Max and Valerie then contacted us, choosing MAUD.IT, to explain in an interview, the reasons that pushed them to abandon ACTION UNIVERISTARIA.
Okay dear Max and Valerie, why did you choose the as a channel of communication?
V. : First, we wanted to thank you for the opportunity that we were giving. We knew we could count on you because we have always acknowledged in a newspaper absolutely independent and impartial. And in fact our intention is to address all students (as they are the representatives) independently of the various political colors.
M. : Because, to be honest, before you, we turned to other newspapers and we have not received same availability. We have been censored in fact, not only in newspapers on the right, but also by those who claimed to be apolitical and independent (such as " ). So this is a great opportunity for us!
Thank you, but we come to the point: what has resulted from your decision to leave ACTION UNIVERSITY?
M. : For a long time we did not agree with the "line" on which ACTION UNIVERISTARIA moved. In fact, the leadership did not care for those who voluntarily trying to contribute and people are now used only as numbers rather than to expand the territory.
V. : Also the leaders continue to take personal credit for every success (perceived or actual) is obtained sometimes without making the least effort and without even a minimum grant reimbursement for expenses for propaganda (leaflets and posters, however, imposed "from above"). For example, as happened for the last election of the directors of the Faculty took place between 20 and 21 February.
And speaking of the elections of faculty, which also had to be repeated because of failure to attain the quorum , as we have deployed your now "ex parte" for what concerned the results?
V. : Yes, the elections had to be repeated on days 27 and 28 and even in that case was reached quorum resulting in the election of all candidates. Only 120 people have Cast and we got 45 votes in two. And despite all this propaganda ACTION UNIVERSITY printed titles praising the great victory in the faculty historically "red" (see the article published on the site , which then, however, given the opportunity to Max and Valentina from responding effectively to explain how things were).
M. : We were now opposed to all this misinformation and mystified but have always found a way to silence.
In what way?
V. : Through a real complaint: the same newspaper where I wrote, "The Target ," he started to cut our articles, or limit them to the title change. Or simply do not publish properly what I wrote. Imposing more and more to post their logo on everything we publish.
M .: An example is the fact that soon left the movement, we were banned from forum of ACTION UNIVERSITY have been deleted the our operations and we have been defamed, practically pilloried. Moreover ACTION UNIVERSITY increasingly resembles a cult.
A cult? Can you explain?
M. : Yes: As you know, within the party National Alliance coexist different currents and those who aspire to leadership is called RIGHT STAR (now lies under several groups led by the ladies themselves), and his young "offspring" refer to youth GENERATION STAR (and the one that makes more also referred ACTION UNIVERSITY Tor Vergata). Well, this current majority as it has always exercised a real absolute power over all members of the party. Moreover, the managers, through a system of Chinese boxes, they have many connections with various political leaders that support hard. And all this, as you see, several grants royalty income, in spite of the ideals!
Sorry, could you explain what is the best course of action of this movement leader?
V. : First of all to create consensus within the faculty, in which there is no right representative. Then try to create a sort of "Num Lock" to use force amassed on the huge territory, and even up against all other current minority of right away, for example, the same rightwing social.
M. : Operate a real selection, if you do not uniform directives issued by the leadership you are cut off from any kind of activity. These people are not political, and business people are skilled manipulators, operating a real brainwashing against those who want to approach the right-wing military.
V. : The gap between management and militancy and is becoming more and more really unassailable. Suffice it to say that a few months later when we were engaged in protest against the reform Mussi, organized by the same party, the senator gave a speech ACTION UNIVERSITY where professed to be in favor of this reform (the interview is clearly published in issue 187 of March in the journal "Campus ). In short, there is no consistency. And even more respect for us militants. In addition there is one last thing that I think is really unfortunate if not very serious ...
Valentina What you mean?
V. : Returning to our Faculty of Humanities, some militants ACTION academics from other universities (and in this case from Law and Economics), have illegally occupied our Auletta, first used for the movement, changing the lock. In fact it is not the courtroom. Since it instead to the students of our university!
M. : How advisors are now independent and not affiliated with the party. UNIVERSITY AND ACTION therefore no longer has a representative on the Faculty Council to justify the occupation.
And how did you decide to behave in this regard?
V. and M. : Surely the claim. We would like to take back the House that we are entitled to use it, together with whoever is interested to pursue discussions and cultural activities in a completely non-partisan in our faculty. So we turn to our principal at the earliest to take the legitimacy of our request.
Politics Today, policies of yesterday. New players but exactly the same decay. If I were to name names, the attack would cross: from right to left, And then from left to right. With no truce, no tricks. From right and left, but always and only to find themselves, in any event, anchored to a single common center. And now: "What is right? What is left? " . Because the truth is that there is absolutely absolutely no difference, unless facade: two symmetrical and identical teams, rules changed at will whenever it sees fit (see Electoral Law); laws ad personam against Governments disheartened by senators for life, who were named by all but by the people. Cara democracy ... (Christian).