Tuesday evening at 18.30 at the offices of via Solferino, 47, Meda, the Northern League has formalized its lone run in the upcoming municipal elections on 27 and 28 May 2007 for the renewal of the administration of the city of Meda.
will therefore GIORGIO Taveggia the mayoral candidate for the Northern League in Meda. Already
mayor for two consecutive terms from 1992 to 2002, it advocates as a candidate after five years of harsh opposition to the junta Forza Italy / AN / UDC / PRI. A
Meda So this time will not form the House of Freedom for determination of the local section of the League who has always wanted to distinguish from other parties in various aspects of the national coalition, the main one being the abysmal distance of ideas about how a city should be managed (planning, relations with the citizens and the municipal staff to name a few).
In the coming weeks we will begin to publicize the program points to point to an immediate revival Meda after 5 years to forget in a hurry.
will also be presented with a list of candidates for municipal council that promises renewed and full of very young .... The confirmation, already announced in a press conference is Umberto "Popi" Cassina who will be the leaders.
A day will also be active blog http://taveggiasindaco.splinder.com through which you can get constant updates on the campaign-coupling Taveggia Northern League, but also participate actively, through comments to post , to the various issues that will be proposed.

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