Thursday, March 8, 2007

What Are The Main Career Aspirations

March 8 - International Women's Day


some time now, we celebrate Women's Day forgetting his original meaning, and now Few people know why this date was chosen and what little they pretend to forget. The origins of the festival date back to March 8, 1908, when a few days before this date, the New York Cotton Textile Industry Workers went on strike to protest the terrible conditions in which they were forced to work. The strike lasted for several days, until March 8, the owner Mr. Johnson stopped all the gates of the factory to prevent workers leaving. The building was set on fire and the 129 workers trapped inside burned by the flames. Later this date was proposed as an international day of struggle in favor of women, by Rosa Luxemburg, just in reminder of the tragedy. Over the years, the March 8 has become for the world day of remembrance, not only to commemorate the victims of that tragedy, but also to stimulate reflection and an assessment of the role of women in society modern. The mimosa was taken as a symbol of this day because the factory was destroyed by the fire surrounded by meadows in bloom, and who went to the place they picked and placed them in front of the ruins in memory of the victims, those flowers were mostly mimosa . years pass and the memory makes bad jokes, the women wait for that day to do exactly what they do every day, only who can afford to do so with ' adding a pinch of revenge against ' man who, if by chance you forget the sprig of mimosa, passing a bad trouble, and can forget about ' existence of the woman at 364 days ' year but not that, to the delight of all the florists who can produce a lot of bunches of mimosa branch decorated with bows to " modest" price at least three times the commercial value. Now c ' is to ask: this is what Rosa Luxemburg was thinking when he proposed the " March 8 as a day of remembrance not only of the tragedy in New York but most of the international struggle for the vindication of the rights of women? Obviously the answer, granted, is no; a society where the ' appearance matters more than substance and where you put the " conscience " giving and not getting a bunch of mimosa seems great. There are other more important things on women that on this date, and not only should be remembered and claimed. The March 8 is the symbol women's empowerment, a goal gradually distorted and removed in the collective consciousness until it is reduced to a mere " hype " trade. But the empowerment of women is the way for anyone who wants that women enjoy the same rights as men, in theory and in practice, jurisprudence and legislation, on the material and economic, in morals and customs everywhere in institutions, professions, education, family, politics. Why women's empowerment is a vital necessity for the emancipation of society and the entire humanity. There is an unbreakable bond between them. One can not do without the other.


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