Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Brownie Mix Marshmallow Creme

Maud.it number 13 of 14 March '07

THE REQUIREMENT OF BEING "BOY" Trying to self-criticism

be consistent with themselves (and their ideas) and above also means being able to admit when you is wrong. In this sense must always take a step back when you understand that he had just embarked on a false direction. In my first editorial (that of a number of MAUD.IT 26/10/2006) I wrote it clear that in taking my adventure, I had to look good especially from falling into a certain rhetoric indifferent (and populist). I believe that ultimately the risk it was becoming all too real (and I refer in particular to articles on the previous issue of the journal, that of March 6). There was therefore need a little self-examination, which is thus arrived on time. And now I am ready to begin again, with me I will take the experience and teaching given by the mistakes intact and the desire to continue to improve.
The role of critical philosophy (the name says it all) is just to criticize, or to examine and reflect on certain issues from time to time may occur or where you want to stop to think. But this can sometimes involve the risk of hitting a useless polemic attitude, act only to destroy everything, without any concern and then to worry about in any way even to reconstruct, starting from the rubble that has contributed with their ideas, create. Wisely warned the good old Nietzsche to achieve greatness superomista spirit must run into three distinct metamorphosis. So first, should live lives as camel (thus forced to bear the weight of traditions and morals), then spirit must become lion, just because it is necessary to say "no" habit and duty. But the lion is a destructive spirit that destroys everything with his ferocity and his uncontrolled lust for freedom. It is therefore necessary that the spirit ultimately become child, because even learn to create and to say "yes." Just like a child when playing with their dreams.


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