" left Certa n on serving the country! "is categorically Deputy Massimo D'Alema at the conference of DS which took place after the crisis of governance: a harsh attack on the radical wing of the coalition, formed by the PRC, the Italian Communists and Greens. But the issue is far from resolved. Because on the one hand there is a decidedly left useless (who desperately preserves the flags of a fallen empire), there is one other which in fact is no more left. And now for too long. Now we talk about the Democratic Party and at least this would be a less hypocritical to call the thing. But meanwhile, the current minority and most extreme of the DS, the Hon. Fabio Mussi (which would the true "socket hard" party if you really take it seriously the electorate) announced already wished to be called out by a similar project and winks to former combatants Bertinotti (now well-fed while on ltrona of the House) and Diliberto. But if on the one hand there are those who spreads his arms, the other the sand castle continues to crumble: the expulsion of Senator "disobedient" Turigliatto is just the latest chapter of a now widespread malpractice which is consolidating all ' shadow of this noumenal Kremlin. Malpractice that had already seen last year split the Trotskyist wing of the party of Marco Ferrando Refoundation Communist and the birth of the "Incorporation Movement for Workers Party" (the which logo reintroduces the "evergreen" Hammer and Sickle, the for remain in theme topical!). The birth, in fact, seems to be the repetition (though in lower tones) of the same requirement that 15 years ago brought the then "idealists" Bertinotti Cossutta to abandon the fledgling Oak: the need to maintain opposition to class (and communist) to any "good" middle-class Social Democratic government. In short, the years pass and the Italian Left continues to change. But how? Certainly there will never be a utopia Izquierda Unida . The point is that the left of our home shows to ever suffer from the same doubt, that doubt which has accompanied her throughout the whole of its history: a moral duty to preserve that role "historic" eternal opposition or urgency of institutionalization at all costs. Things change so. But in Meanwhile also the hopes of losing credibility.
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