I tell the truth, very disgusted in dealing with this topic.
I am one who loves the purity in all things and that, thank God, belongs to a group that has the authenticity, sometimes perhaps too much, his strong point.
This campaign continues to be a part of the old fashioned way with attacchinaggio of posters, flyers house to house, good gazebo on Saturdays and Sundays and nightspots in the early evening or just allows it to fold and assemble election material.
But elsewhere, the reality is different. Mayor candidates going door to door all day to make promises to grab votes. Six, Seven gazebo banquet on Saturday and all week, not to manage people you know Meda barely say the name of the candidate for mayor who is promoting.
But so far would be nothing, if it failed to add: grilled
free drinks offered to the public or to dealers, gift pens, lighters and T-shirts in industrial quantities.
Then there are the usual "wide boys" of politics using the media to spit on their opponents without ever proposing a self-examination on their political experience (people who perhaps with his own their vote or abstention has allowed it were to succeed in what is now using to hit your opponent!)
This is not the policy that I like and, more importantly, I do not think this is the kind of politics they need Meda. And 'bad to think that there are people who want all the way to conquer the power. Why? Image, power or what?
Here then ask me a question: We
campaign or campaign purchases ?
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