Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Proper Gay Cruising Etiquette

- The Labour Day

Arbeit Macht Frei

The Lord is the power that dominates the being, while this being is the power that weighs on the individual , so in that provision syllogistic, the lord was under him that other individual. Likewise, the Lord is related to the thing in such a way mediated through the servant, the servant as self-consciousness generally refers to a negative thing and takes it, but for him it is at the same time independent Epper, with His deny it, can never destroy it completely, ie the servant with his work that does not turn . Instead, for such mediation, the relationship immediately becomes the lord of the pure negation same thing: that enjoyment, that he could not appetite, is able to enjoy this act of: exhausting the thing and settle down in the enjoyment [...]. The man who brought the servant of the thing itself, it concludes that only the dependence of thing, and only enjoy it, however the side of the independence of what he leaves it to the servant that processes . [...] . So you recognize and produced a one-sided and unequal. Unessential consciousness is, therefore, for the ladies, the object constituting the truth of the certainty of itself. It is clear, however, that the object does not correspond to its concept: it is rather clear that precisely where the Lord has found its fulfillment, he has become something completely different an independent consciousness ; not such a conscience is for him, but rather a dependent consciousness: he is not, therefore, some of 'being-for-itself as truth, rather the truth is rather the unessential consciousness and the inessential operate it itself. The truth the independent consciousness is accordingly the servile consciousness . This appears to be first but outside of itself and not as the truth of self. But as the lady showed that its essence is the opposite of what the rule is meant to be the same, so the easement in its completion become quite the opposite of what it is that it immediately, it will in itself as consciousness refocused itself and will turn true independence. [...] Through the work it [consciousness] come to herself. At the time corresponding to appetite in the mind of man, but that seemed to touch the side of the servile consciousness inessential to report it, because here it maintains its independence. The appetite is for the pure negation of the object, and then the intact sense of self. But this satisfaction is itself only a dispel, because it lacks the side objective or the exist. The work, however, has curbed appetite , is a vanishing retained, namely: work form . The negative relationship to the object becomes shape of the object, it becomes something that persists ; and this why people who work the object has independence. The average negative or operate the course are at the same time the singularity or pure being-for-itself of consciousness that now, at work, comes out of himself in the element of permanence: well, then, consciousness comes to the intuition of being independent who works as itself. [...]. So, just at work, where it seemed that it was a strange sense , consciousness through this discovery of itself through itself and becomes sense. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, " The Phenomenology of Spirit" )


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