Friday, May 4, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Fix Fence

First Face to Face - Taveggia head and shoulders above all

Being impartial is difficult for me is even more ... but I'll try to be balanced in its assessments.
The assessment of the five candidates is the result of the feelings of the large audience the meantime, the clapping and the grumbles.

The topics were:
- local politics and the formation of coalitions with why certain choices (in short, because the Northern League has gone alone)
- yes or no external departments (question from all restraint premature)
- questions over details of the various programs: *
Valsecchi: Using the glass building;
* Taveggia: alternative energy (cogenizzazione and photovoltaic) as an economic resource for the private and the town and for the protection of the environment;
* Fallara: parking under the ground of Villa Traversi;
* Buraschi: recovery center
* Ferrario:
relaunch trade -, and foothills landfill;
- security
- Meda Services;
- Trade and revitalization of downtown.

After these arguments put forward by the consultant that has done the timescales for each action, began the public inquiries on disparate subjects, most subjects were already affected. Among these is different than a citizen who asked for clarification on what you want to do for schools, arguing that the only Taveggia Recalling had faced shortages over the past 5 years of extraordinary maintenance program and, above all, highlighted by some parents, the big thematic integration of foreign pupils in schools and the problems associated with it.

We, therefore, judgments about the candidates in general;

storming: Celentano describes him as "slow." We see that a person who is in politics for at least thirty years and has sailed. Continues to emphasize that it is the left and speak only of the civil list which says it is made up of people from civil society. But you forget that the majority of his constituents and the center-left and "true" left, and, if victory, will govern with them too.

FERRARIO: After a decent start last night he made sure the palm of the person who shoots bigger. Meda needs of many priority actions for five years and we know that the addition of center-right has tried in every way to remove the works and services 10 years of government Taveggia / League. What was missing: the Palamedes ... Here is the proposal: take it apart and move it! Aside from the cost but here we really are in that chapter is called "promises and dreams" ... you shoot in the election campaign and then nothing is done;

VALSECCHI: he shared ideas, others less so, however, in line with the proposals of other coalitions on issues of particular importance. And 'little incisive and make better use of the microphone;

Taveggia : Part I will define, but like 15 years from now, in these comparisons is the best. It 'a cut above everyone. Do not shoot the big and difficult talks. He had the courage, the only one to address the issue of safety and emphasize the problems of illegal immigration (on this topic has had the most intense applause of the whole evening) and, as previously stated, the problem of integrating of foreign children in schools. And relevance to the theme of environmental protection.

FALLARA: he lacks, in this campaign, the sacrificial lamb: Adelio Asnaghi. Here it is then supported by specific questions from his audience, attack a little to the right and left. To be assessed on their program yesterday that very little has been mentioned.


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