Last night there was the second face to face between the mayors. I will refrain from making judgments about the candidates because it's hard to be fully objective (I welcome the suggestion of Pigio).
But, with this post, I will speak as a citizen because last night I felt, like most of those present, teased. In
campaign is known, promises and dreams are the rule, not the exception. But sometimes there is limited to these. Let's see, often, an acceleration in public works, roads and nell'asfaltatura all those things for five years of government have not been made, concentrated in just 30 days before the date of voting strictly (the old Christian Democrat was its teacher). Sometimes you give
news, however, used specifically to take advantage of the electoral effect.
The candidate of the center-right, Ferrario, current vice mayor of the junta Asnaghi, he last night during the debate, announced the reopening of the pools of Meda.
beautiful thing, say the newcomers to this story. Instead, the hall has agreed to this announcement as an insult and started protests.
Why? Here we come to the concept expressed in the title: the citizens have felt cheated!
pools, sought by the previous administration, was inaugurated in 2003 and then, inexplicably closed in 2005. They are owned by the company, now 100% owned by the municipality, a company in liquidation to 3 years.
For two years the pools have not been used to "rot" with the excuse, carried by the directors, a company in liquidation could not outsource the management of these.
The corporate situation has not changed, but, 15 days before the election, it was announced that the pools are reopened. But not
could not do what a company in liquidation?
Double damage! In these two years the Medes lost their ability to use your own good and the company has lost all the revenue that this structure would bring.

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