Wednesday, May 9, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Green After Shaving

A separate article (MC)

In Genoa, there was a pattern of repression, the police first conviction for the 2001 G8

censorship by the media was rigid and absolute: the sentence of Genoa was not talking. In fact, amazingly not even wrote the manifesto and should explain why. Raise your hand if you knew that last week in Genoa, there was the first conviction for the beating of the police during the G8 in 2001. Yet the ruling is a step in Genoa capital for the reconstruction of truth and justice of what happened in Genoa now 6 years ago. And it also explains much of the policy design underlying the repression.
The state was ordered to pay Spaccini Marina, 50, Trieste pediatrician, a volunteer for four years in Africa, which suffered the beating by police in street Assarotti on the afternoon of July 20, 2001. Marina, like tens of thousands of militant Catholics of Rete Lilliput, was sitting with his hands up, painted white, shouting "no violence" when he was murdered by the police. This they argued (sic) that was not possible to distinguish between hands painted white to Marina and Black Block. For Judge Angela Latella instead savage repression-Genovese and raised the curtain of lies to cover them - is was one of the blackest pages in the entire history of the State Police and for the first time what is written in a sentence. Not only is much more severe sentence that is written in Genoa. Those of the police actions were neither isolated nor excessive, but were part of a criminal design.
You start as a trial to confirm what the writer says, and writes for six years. In Genoa, there was a criminal design selective by the state apparatus. This design was intended to terrorize the radical left but not so much a Catholic pacifism, in particular the Rete Lilliput, which for the first time in a manner so convinced and went down to the large square welded into one huge front antineoliberale with the left.
The girls and boys of the parishes were those who paid the highest price, especially Saturday. Their lengths were systematically targeted by the procession of tear gas and hundreds of them were savagely beaten. But, above all, tens of thousands of them, and their families, were scared to death in a fully logical terrorism. How many remained after Genoa at home?
the face image data from large earth deaf, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, that peaceful movement, colorful, believable, made up of serious people and do not shut up of the sharks in the Forbidden City, which had gathered around concrete proposals for a new possible world of the Genoa Social Forum, was to be crushed. We did not know, but there were 50 days to 11 September. Carry

site Calandri Massimo excellent article, which appeared only on the pages of the Genoese Republic on 29 April. It 's normal to you? There is still a right to be informed in this country?
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Before condemning the police violence against demonstrators, "Do not were isolated initiatives. " G8 condemned the Ministry - Missionary beaten, and disability compensation for moral damage "I just got what I waited for 6 years: justice

MAXIMUM BENDING THE FIRST condemnation the Ministry of? Interior for illicit and gratuitous violence of its police officers arrived a few days ago, and that is about six years after the shame of the G8 in Genoa. But the words with which the investigating judge Angela Latella explained its decision refresh your memory. Reminding everyone that those bloody loaded, those broken heads with truncheons, tear gas fired at those innocent people, were not isolated or on the initiative of the autonomic excess of any agent. They were instead part of a larger design, as well as the lies told to cover the latest atrocities - which is one of the darkest pages in the history of the State Police.
The court ruled in favor of Genoa Marina Spaccini, pediatrician fifty source Trieste, pacifist who has worked for four years in two hospitals, missionaries in Kenya. At two in the afternoon of July 20, 2001 was, was beaten and bruised as a Assarotti. Participate in the event of Lilliput Network, was among those who lifted up his hands painted white screaming: "No violence!".
agents and their leaders were then told that they were chasing a group of Black Bloc, which was a mess and someone threw the Molotov cocktails at them, which was not possible to distinguish between "good" and "bad" : lies unmasked during the process, as outlined by the judge. The bad guys were for real, and they were the policemen with sticks opened a large wound on the forehead of the pediatrician in Trieste. Since those agents, as in most of the incidents of the summit, have not been identified, Angela Latella decided to order the Interior Ministry. The number that will be paid in Marina Spaccini not
some sensational - five thousand euro between disability, moral and existential damage - but the point is obviously another.
"If it is clear that the Spaccini was subjected to an act of violence by a member of the police - says the judge - no one can even call into question that there was no question of either acting alone, excess of some self from some agent, nor a fatal incident during a legitimate police operation time and restore law and order seriously jeopardized. " Why
police intervention was not "legitimate", it is now clear enough. This was confirmed by witnesses and in a sense, the same policemen and officials, with their contradictions: "The attackers were several dozen, the order was to load them, disperse them and stop them," they said, when asked. But then it appears that only two boys were arrested (not injured), whose position also was later shelved. The peace was assisted by lawyers and Alessandra Ballerini Marco compartment. The court pointed out that photographs and videos taken in the classroom "were illuminating ":" You see people dressed normally handcuff; more police with batons hitting a person on the ground, helpless. The same Spaccini is a man of fifty, which is rightly emphasizes the look mild. " And then, the evidence as that of a septuagenarian lady who speaks of a "completely peaceful and happy event" and therefore have seen agents' savagely beat people with his hands up and helpless as you. " Marina Spaccini upheld the court with a smile: "It was just what I was waiting for six years. Justice. "
(Friday, May 4 2007)

Genoa: The G8 Quaestor, Francesco Colucci, "we put" With

Diego Marchesi, Fabio Bovi, and Charles Gawen at Genoa with a new article by Massimo Calandri Boccadasse of his confinement.

The case of the condemnation of the State for the beating of a militant network in the manner complained of Lilliput in Genoa UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the media, is finally, at least on the Internet, turning, maybe even a little 'thanks to But above all is running thanks to courageous journalists and memory as Calandri Massimo La Repubblica that career will certainly not for these items. Yes, even in the Republic there are honest journalists!

It 'sad that in a democracy and in apparent freedom of the press should be brave to write or Camorra mafia but not of repression by the state bodies. It 'absolutely
should read the bottom of this piece, the article Calandri the shameful evidence of a Quaestor of the Republic, Francesco Colucci, who does not know, can not remember, but between the lines, said a capital thing, "we put [the politics?] to act [and therefore violate the human rights of free and peaceful citizens]. " Obviously this article has crossed the boundaries Calandri edition of the Genoese Republic. E 'sustainable processes are no longer a national event?. What happened to the Commission of Inquiry promise? Where is the mainstream press, Bruno Vespa, Michele Santoro, Aldo Scissors, Giuliano Ferrara, Gad Lerner, Enrico Mentana, Giovanni Floris?
But remember when the imaginative skill for which a piece of flying concrete would unfortunately (sic) deflected the bullet fired into the air instead bounced right to kill Carlo Giuliani held bank in the newspapers for days and TG? TG I tried to convince us that she had gone for days in that curious way. Remember the ill Pinelli active in that hot day in December 1969 in Milan? Young people, if you do not remember asking, searching, demanding to know, you exercise your inalienable right to memory!

Charles Gawen: You are right, Gennaro after Genoa who no longer participated in demonstrations? Those hundreds of thousands of people where they are finished? Prior to Naples, then Genoa, then ... everything else. It 'been a crescendo of free beatings of slander, lies. This ruling is very important, a judge who said, referring to the charges, "They were instead part of a larger design, as well as the lies told to cover the latest atrocities" I would say that would be sufficient, in a democratic state, to call everything into question and immediately initiate a parliamentary committee of inquiry (but it was not planned? ah yes, it's true ...). Equally interesting was the audience yesterday, there speaks excellent Calandri Massimo, again on the issue of the Genoese Republic ... This time even the nineteenth century saw fit to write a few lines. Of course, everything is local.

Fabio Bovi: Fortunately, the days spent in Genoa 2001 a few have caused the opposite reaction [on terror and militancy all'allontanamentodalla] and instead of quitting in the house since then riesconoa not to participate and not feel involved. Since those days my fedenella democracy in the information in the state, are completamentecambiati. I hope that for many has been the same!
I'm happy for the verdict but the anger that I feel for the system, the media, the people who live in indifference continues to exceed much joy to see that some modicum of justice there 'yet. I know that this open wound in Genoa will continue 'to burn .. 'cause I know that will be' impossible in this country's disgusting to see the real culprits to the bar in those days were organized at the table "slaughter" of Genoa. This feeling of helplessness that prevents me from ever hope to contribute to how small and insignificant for the construction of another world ...

Diego Marchesi: The following address you can find a summary of the evidence gathered by prosecutors in the investigation
Abuse BOLZANETO, taken verbatim from the weekly Diario "Speciale Genova - the Truth" of July 21, 2006: http://

on "Other Links" lists links to other sites that deal with the G8 summit in Genoa, and you can see in some of the streaming videos on YouTube. Scenarios are disconcerting ones offered by the victims of the violence, physical and psychological. Scenarios that are more and more plausible by comparing and crossing the testimony of all who have passed the barracks of Bolzaneto in those days.

processes on cases Diaz School and Barracks Bolzaneto are still underway and the first verdicts are expected later this year.

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G8, the last truth about Diaz - Former Quaestor Colucci confesses: "I felt inadequate" The Republic (Genoa), May 4, 2007. Shocking testimony of the high official after six years of denials and "I do not remember"


the embarrassing interrogation Francesco Colucci, who in those days was still the Chief of the G8 in Genoa, gave the measure yesterday morning how difficult is the task of those who want to shed light on the wretched days of July 2001. After six years in what was then the highest authority of public security in this city (prefect excluded) fell in a series of contradictions and amnesia that have wowed the present. "I do not remember." "Maybe I wrong to talk. " "My statement was perhaps a bit 'naive, superficial." "I'm not sure, I swear before God and the Italian State." "Correct me, maybe it was inaccurate." Colucci for six hours answered questions of the prosecutor Enrico Zucca, in some cases when he was denying a statement made in previous years and giving information published. The night of the assault on the school, an official who was coordinating efforts was the vice-quaestor Murgolo Lorenzo. That for the massacre and the arrest of 93 illegal anti-globalization, as well as for false proof, is not accused. "Murgolo was the coordinator. But there were La Barbera and Gratteri beside him ...«. Statement that means nothing and everything, because - as the former superintendent of Genoa then reiterated - "I do not know at what point could count the hierarchy." In
an entire day spent in the classroom, Colucci did not clarify anything. Why they decided to operate via the Institute of Baptists? The version is that of the mysterious attack in the evening police patrols, and those types of suspects - "people are not happy, happy people ... but ugly faces, with threatening gestures, dressed in dark '- in front of the school. He wanted to give up, now the G8 was over, "but then all of us have decided to intervene: to identify the attackers and find any weapons. Do a search. " Who among the super-policemen pushed for the blitz? Colucci is a few names, then has second thoughts at the end explains that the prefect of La Barbera - who died - he agreed. "I felt a little 'inadequate' and confesses that in those days was the superintendent of Genoa.
had once said that the police chief, Gianni Di Gennaro, told him to call the head of the press, Roberto Sgalla: yesterday said that it was his initiative. He remained in police, who warned him of the discovery of Molotov cocktails? Colucci is at least three names, but does not remember. And it is in trouble when he has to tell about that cop who told him that he was impressed by the ghost of a knife as Phantom Black Bloc: "He was wearing a cotton sweater ... no ... a bulletproof vest. " Not to mention when spontaneously confesses that he learned of a crew of a squad that was entered by mistake in front of the Diaz school, but forget that it sent a report to the Di Gennaro wrote that those cops were doing a 'verification '.
"I only know that that night had to do something, we had to react to that thing. We were a bit 'at, we were packed. And we decided to intervene. " (Saturday, May 5, 2007)


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