Monday, December 31, 2007

Sore Breasts Period -pregnant

2008 ....

A huge 2008 best wishes to everyone ....... I

imbalance also with a promise:
will take up in January 2008 to update the blog ...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Where To Buy Department Of Peace Jeans

Editorial number 21 of the November 5, 2007


I think back to what I have read and seen on various television and Italian newspapers recently, the situation requires least depth analysis, but it is impossible to be carried out in these few lines . But I just remember, however, a step short of ' Spinoza's Ethics, a step that has been carefully annotated by Gilles Deleuze. It speaks of sadness and joy, only human feelings so that everyone knows about their skin and thus make it easily accessible to each of the short reflection I am unraveling. Sadness and joy - we said - but also hate and fear because "hate means will destroy what is likely to destroy . And the sadness is to generate hatred. How to generate even more sadness to joy. But the joy is generated by the sadness only when the sadness is transformed into something else: when you have already turned into hatred. I return again Spinoza: " be unhappy if you imagine that you hate, your heart will experience a strange joy . But there would then be asked whether this really is a real joy joy. As for me concerns, I believe that it risks being just a few compensatory feeling, in short, a palliative. The fact is that these joys of hatred, though they may never be absolutely immense and sometimes even rewarding fatua, do not resolve the situation, namely that the primordial substratum of sadness. Why hate the man (the man of resentment as Spinoza would say) is by nature a man whose joys are always and forever poisoned by sadness and moodiness. I am therefore of the joys indirect, not pure illusion. There is then to go too far in this connection to understand that I I'm talking about, because it seems really crazy in all our cities and in every small neighborhood racial hatred (probably) without precedent. But the solution (as always) is never in hatred and revenge.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Facial Electrical Treatments Contraindications

MONZA - RESEGONE of competing mythical

Saturday evening, from 21.30 onwards, dall'Arengario part of the 47th edition of the Monza Monza - Resegone. Defined by a race and not just runners Brianza, legendary for its special characteristics: night race, starting from Monza with teams of three runners who will arrive in three after a path that winds for about 43 kilometers and ends in Brianza with the arrival on the mountain at 1220 meters Resegone of refuge "Shack Monza. "The most challenging is the beginning of the uphill section that leads to Calolziocorte Erve.
all?" Absolutely not. The best is yet to come.
Erve after crossing a footbridge over the typical village at the foot of this bridge Mount Resegone, begins the most feared: the path that once the county road, leading to the Capanna Monza with the hard section called "Pra Ratt" where the race leaves the "step" at a rock climbing (for the teams that have already almost 40 kilometers in my legs this is the more appropriate term).
Only those who have participated and completed this race can understand the particular flavor that has come to end this competition and 1220 meters to the hut.
the undersigned, with Julian Pozzi, participate in this race for the fourth consecutive year. To conclude the "triumvirate" there will be, for his first experience, Giuseppe Rana. We will start with bib number 78, at 22:09, chest given to us, as every year, the urn before the race on Monday at the headquarters of the SAM at Monza.
The goal every year is how to get there in the first place "safely" to the hut ... with the hope of improving the performance of the previous editions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Marc Andre Fleury Helmet Grandparents On It

Taveggia Triomphe and the League MEDA

Let me say a thousand words, but right now I can not.
The result is incredible and, perhaps, for the dimensions that taken by ourselves a little unexpected.
I want to thank all those who suffered in these two months have participated in the construction of this triumph. I do not make the names because we would surely forget someone, I should mention all the candidates of the Northern League and all of the MEDA project, all members of the Northern League of Meda and all those citizens who were close and supported.
Thanks to that wonderful group of young people that has formed in recent years and the most recent period increased in number and enthusiasm working with consciousness.
Thanks to all those I just mentioned because for the last two months I have endured and supported and have been available whenever necessary.
A special thanks to my family who gave me a hand and support, not only physical, immensely ...
Let me mention three names from all that I want to thank our Mayor George Taveggia, Umberto Cassina and Fausto Valtorta. Not only that but we have always believed that they did a wonderful job with the victory, he rewarded them of the sufferings and humiliations which they have been with us all, subjected for years ...
Who's missing? THANKS TO
MEDES who had faith in us, thanks to all members of the League and Northern League ... thanks to the voters and parties that, while remaining excluded from the round of balloting, agreed to cooperate with us by contributing to the successful end. .. All such
ask you now to continue to help us to give our beloved city for good governance Meda showing that he was losing a living ....
I can not conclude with a thought to who, a few days ago, has left us. Thanks
Buraschi for what he did in his life for Meda and still do what he wanted.

Luca Santambrogio

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Text Message Baby Arrival

"LEAFLETIN 'IN THE RAIN" ... leaflet through the rain

A new song I would dedicate to the great protagonists of the campaign in favor of the candidate for Mayor of Meda George Taveggia.
After "Singin 'In The Rain" is just give them "leafletin' In The Rain" wheel .... in the rain!

This dedication is to be a big thank you to everyone these days are losing precious hours of sleep and working to distribute leaflets or posters to attack with a weather infamous ...

Nothing stops them, because they are a great team working well together and with the same goal: to give Meda a new beginning, a new imprint.

Young and old are we thank you for the great work and show passion in what they do. Riscontrara the same passion in those who, like the youth of the Brianza, although not of Meda has given us a big hand.

I can only tell them not to give up, there are still a few days at the end of this long campaign, and that in any event things go, there is and will always be a large group that runs the streets of Meda with a smile ... even soaking your feet!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fox Riding Iphone Cases And Covers

CORRADO MARELLI: "Voter' Taveggia"

The news I had been anticipated yesterday, but until I saw a newspaper reported today could hardly believe it.
Yes, Corrado Marelli breaks the silence and declares that the ballot of 10 and 11 June and will vote Taveggia invites his constituents and citizens to do so. There
below, verbatim, the extract of the article that appeared in "The Day":

"Del Pero and Marella, EXCEPT THE GREAT
BITTER - will not be in the Council, one of the two calls to vote Taveggia
Marelli says ...." I'm certainly puzzled. All persons who have shown love and commitment to MEDA were excluded. They were rewarded those who are ruining our city. Personally, I will vote and convince the George Taveggia my electorate to do the same. Taveggia is very close to Meda and still does not act for personal gain .... "

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Football Banquet Decorating Ideas

Taveggia and simply LEAGUE ... great!

After a month of hard campaigning finally reckoning ...
It 'no use denying it: Taveggia and the League in Meda, with the excellent support of the List Project, headed by Prof. Meda Valtorta, they did a great result .
Alone against the army against a center-right and center left, for the first time, they are all together, reaches the ballot.
What is even better to understand the dimensions of success is that the Northern League party in Meda is first with almost 25% by disconnecting the second largest party, Forza Italy, which is around 19%. Among the mayors
Ferrari Polo closed with a 37.92% to 29.24% Taveggia, Buraschi the Centre Left to 26.99%.
are about 8.5 percentage points that separate the two contenders for the office of Mayor of Meda.
The game is very open ...
A note is required on the data of non-voters: about 28% (compared to 16% of the last round of 2002). The majority party is on, then, represented by not voting. But you know ... who abstains does not say, but now also triggered the race for the recovery of some of these voters ....

Friday, May 25, 2007

City Hall Wedding Queens

affair MEDA SERVICES: brief summary ...

As requested emerged in some post, here is a summary of the matter because Synthesis SpA Meda to explain fully that it would take another day and more than a post ... Of course it is our vision of the story , we could have come with the data in our possession. Data and documents, not mere conjecture.

Meda Services SpA was present in the electoral program of the Northern League in 1992. The
birth has been difficult in 1994 when the Court of Monza (in spite of the favorable opinion of the Prosecutor's Office) refuse to approve twice the company Meda. The ruling of the Court of Appeal of Milan, ruling that he did right and law, justice finally ordered to register with the commercial register.

born this public corporations but of private law from multi provided for a period of fifty years. Start with the waste through a joint venture where the service becomes trivial waste differentiated and continues with the methane gas and water, where the municipality pays an average of one billion per year pounds of old, billion local taxes which, of course. In fact, the level of local tax burden is the lowest among the municipalities of the Brianza.

The objective is achieved, the municipality must make certain services, contracts with suppliers rather than place them directly using the methods in force in the private sector and pouring the profits of the territory, replacing taxes and local taxes.

Participate in cooperative social services, create a consortium of local businesses, and many services are added to those being realized. Just the new services (including management of Sport) Meda bring the services to make substantial investments to achieve the objectives. But the League

loses the elections and the new administration has a disastrous situation, crying with a non-existent holes etc ... etc ... with the clear intention of removing the minority shareholders and to sell the networks to another company (this is the interrogation of several witnesses). The small shareholder
Coop. Aretè appeals and sentence no 2284/04, the Court of Monza declare anything in any part "of the disastrous situation presented by these gentlemen," why do not necessarily true and therefore "false" (remember that is the only ruling made on the matter Meda Services, not by a single judge but from the bench).
What have they done? Simple, all claims of said Meda Spa that do not exist (there were several billion). When we buy a home mortgage, we pay a debt that in twenty or thirty years, but we bought the house for that value, they said no, that is, there is only the debt of the mortgage and real estate are not worth anything, so holes. Crazy!
Moreover, they closed all the activities that the company held.

not over. Suppose for a moment that there were holes per thousand euro. After much whining that people covering the hole for a thousand Euro (recapitalization of the company). Why am I hole becomes (proportionally) than ten thousand? What happened to that money? Why the liquidators appointed by the same administration have rebelled and have sued the City?

It 's a shame each other as well as absurd. The company performed the services while improving their efficiency, cost less and benefits remained the local community. Of course, today we understand that has given so much trouble and we do not know who took her coma.

Currently, the League, as specified in the program, believes it is impossible to determine or decide what will become of this society, why in the past five years, was given a clear and effective exercise thereof. They will be examined various possible ways, but only after having carefully examined the "state" we Meda Health Services.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When Will The Gmc Yukon Body Style Change?


I apologize if these days I can not constantly update the blog.
The last days of the campaign are really hectic and serve more than double the 24 hours a day to do whatever must be done and what you would still like to do!

account by the end of settiama updated with the latest news on the elections and a detailed and, hopefully, balanced opinion on the last face to face among the candidates for the office of Mayor to be held Thursday, 05.24 to 21.00 at the CFP " Terragni "viale Tre Venezie - Quarter Pole - Meda.

That said, do not forget the promises and the accounts within settiamana order to be able to provide a post on the matter ... I will do everything possible Meda Services ....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Euro Style Swim Wear Men



Now we can define (with our immense pride) a concrete presence. Not only in the stronghold of the various faculties of the University of Tor Vergata, but also (and eventually on a permanent basis) at some buildings of the University of La Wisdom, also (some numbers), our "Independent Manifesto" was even hung in the prestigious Faculty of Political Science, University of Luiss.
and colonization of "MAUD.IT" certainly did not stop here, but goes for roads, libraries, community centers ...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How Long Before Mesenteric Adenitis Goes Away?

election campaign or campaign purchases?

I tell the truth, very disgusted in dealing with this topic.
I am one who loves the purity in all things and that, thank God, belongs to a group that has the authenticity, sometimes perhaps too much, his strong point.
This campaign continues to be a part of the old fashioned way with attacchinaggio of posters, flyers house to house, good gazebo on Saturdays and Sundays and nightspots in the early evening or just allows it to fold and assemble election material.

But elsewhere, the reality is different. Mayor candidates going door to door all day to make promises to grab votes. Six, Seven gazebo banquet on Saturday and all week, not to manage people you know Meda barely say the name of the candidate for mayor who is promoting.
But so far would be nothing, if it failed to add: grilled
free drinks offered to the public or to dealers, gift pens, lighters and T-shirts in industrial quantities.
Then there are the usual "wide boys" of politics using the media to spit on their opponents without ever proposing a self-examination on their political experience (people who perhaps with his own their vote or abstention has allowed it were to succeed in what is now using to hit your opponent!)
This is not the policy that I like and, more importantly, I do not think this is the kind of politics they need Meda. And 'bad to think that there are people who want all the way to conquer the power. Why? Image, power or what?

Here then ask me a question: We
campaign or campaign purchases ?

When Ftv Hot Night At Time

election date - the final sprint

busy week for the candidates of the Northern League and Meda Project.
It starts tonight, May 16, with, the CFP "Terragni" viale Tre Venezie 63 Taveggia, Valtorta, Cassina and AVALLONE, which meet the artisans Medes to address issues of economic recovery Medes and the protection of crafts, the areas battered by the last 5 years of Local Government AN, FI, UDC and the Republicans and make matters worse, the government "Roman" center- left.

Tomorrow night, May 17, fixed election date of each election, at the San Francisco club, always starting at 21:00.

The evenings will conclude Friday evening with 18 at 21.00 dicìbattito with a theme of "Security" with the intervention of former Justice Minister, Senator ROBERTO CASTELLI . Meanwhile

can not miss the Thursday evening banquet at the city markets and gazebo in place both Saturday and Sunday.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Socoal Security Radiculopathy

RUNNING AROUND THE LARIO: every year a great "adventure" mockery

I can not forget for a day campaign speech Medes.
Yesterday, in fact, took one of the most popular races Running "the running track around the Lake."
Four courses of varying mileage, among them the 36 KM: flights from Scarenna (Ace) Ghisallo climb up to the Bellagio and then declined to address all the long lake to get to by Onno and face the legendary climb (nightmare of many cyclists and others) to reach Valbrona and conclude their labors from where you started, to Scarenna Ace.

time thanks to a gracious sun so that the temperature has warmed very, addiruttura along the lakefront, a few drops of rain which seem welcome ...

A demonstration of the toughness of the race, here is the photo of our athlete BERETTA MAURIZIO arrival, reached the milestone after his teammates, starting to fear the worst for the absence, already thought to trace the dogs to start the research .....

Friday, May 11, 2007

Japanese Kissing Blogger

Last night there was the second face to face between the mayors. I will refrain from making judgments about the candidates because it's hard to be fully objective (I welcome the suggestion of Pigio).
But, with this post, I will speak as a citizen because last night I felt, like most of those present, teased. In
campaign is known, promises and dreams are the rule, not the exception. But sometimes there is limited to these. Let's see, often, an acceleration in public works, roads and nell'asfaltatura all those things for five years of government have not been made, concentrated in just 30 days before the date of voting strictly (the old Christian Democrat was its teacher). Sometimes you give
news, however, used specifically to take advantage of the electoral effect.
The candidate of the center-right, Ferrario, current vice mayor of the junta Asnaghi, he last night during the debate, announced the reopening of the pools of Meda.
beautiful thing, say the newcomers to this story. Instead, the hall has agreed to this announcement as an insult and started protests.
Why? Here we come to the concept expressed in the title: the citizens have felt cheated!
pools, sought by the previous administration, was inaugurated in 2003 and then, inexplicably closed in 2005. They are owned by the company, now 100% owned by the municipality, a company in liquidation to 3 years.
For two years the pools have not been used to "rot" with the excuse, carried by the directors, a company in liquidation could not outsource the management of these.
The corporate situation has not changed, but, 15 days before the election, it was announced that the pools are reopened. But not
could not do what a company in liquidation?
Double damage! In these two years the Medes lost their ability to use your own good and the company has lost all the revenue that this structure would bring.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Naruto Ninja Sprite Sheets


will be Friday evening, May 11, at 21, the second face to face among the candidates for the office of Mayor of Meda. After the starter last week, here is the second round.

The meeting, organized by "the Citizen" at the auditorium of the school of Anne Frank Via Giovanni XXIII, 24 May then be replicated with a second (third overall) and last face to face.

than ever this year there has been so widely used for meetings between the mayor candidates. Taking a step back just 5 years we can all remember how the ballot, say the malicious, deliberately blew the face to face in Adelio Asnaghi Taveggia and George is said to favor the first difficulties in the previous meetings.

The hope is that the manager maintains, on this occasion, his role superpartes himself without wanting to be a leader of the comparison. Hopefully
repeats what happened in previous face to face organized by the "Journal of Seregno" where the moderator did not affect the moderator the evening.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Green After Shaving

A separate article (MC)

In Genoa, there was a pattern of repression, the police first conviction for the 2001 G8

censorship by the media was rigid and absolute: the sentence of Genoa was not talking. In fact, amazingly not even wrote the manifesto and should explain why. Raise your hand if you knew that last week in Genoa, there was the first conviction for the beating of the police during the G8 in 2001. Yet the ruling is a step in Genoa capital for the reconstruction of truth and justice of what happened in Genoa now 6 years ago. And it also explains much of the policy design underlying the repression.
The state was ordered to pay Spaccini Marina, 50, Trieste pediatrician, a volunteer for four years in Africa, which suffered the beating by police in street Assarotti on the afternoon of July 20, 2001. Marina, like tens of thousands of militant Catholics of Rete Lilliput, was sitting with his hands up, painted white, shouting "no violence" when he was murdered by the police. This they argued (sic) that was not possible to distinguish between hands painted white to Marina and Black Block. For Judge Angela Latella instead savage repression-Genovese and raised the curtain of lies to cover them - is was one of the blackest pages in the entire history of the State Police and for the first time what is written in a sentence. Not only is much more severe sentence that is written in Genoa. Those of the police actions were neither isolated nor excessive, but were part of a criminal design.
You start as a trial to confirm what the writer says, and writes for six years. In Genoa, there was a criminal design selective by the state apparatus. This design was intended to terrorize the radical left but not so much a Catholic pacifism, in particular the Rete Lilliput, which for the first time in a manner so convinced and went down to the large square welded into one huge front antineoliberale with the left.
The girls and boys of the parishes were those who paid the highest price, especially Saturday. Their lengths were systematically targeted by the procession of tear gas and hundreds of them were savagely beaten. But, above all, tens of thousands of them, and their families, were scared to death in a fully logical terrorism. How many remained after Genoa at home?
the face image data from large earth deaf, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, that peaceful movement, colorful, believable, made up of serious people and do not shut up of the sharks in the Forbidden City, which had gathered around concrete proposals for a new possible world of the Genoa Social Forum, was to be crushed. We did not know, but there were 50 days to 11 September. Carry

site Calandri Massimo excellent article, which appeared only on the pages of the Genoese Republic on 29 April. It 's normal to you? There is still a right to be informed in this country?
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Before condemning the police violence against demonstrators, "Do not were isolated initiatives. " G8 condemned the Ministry - Missionary beaten, and disability compensation for moral damage "I just got what I waited for 6 years: justice

MAXIMUM BENDING THE FIRST condemnation the Ministry of? Interior for illicit and gratuitous violence of its police officers arrived a few days ago, and that is about six years after the shame of the G8 in Genoa. But the words with which the investigating judge Angela Latella explained its decision refresh your memory. Reminding everyone that those bloody loaded, those broken heads with truncheons, tear gas fired at those innocent people, were not isolated or on the initiative of the autonomic excess of any agent. They were instead part of a larger design, as well as the lies told to cover the latest atrocities - which is one of the darkest pages in the history of the State Police.
The court ruled in favor of Genoa Marina Spaccini, pediatrician fifty source Trieste, pacifist who has worked for four years in two hospitals, missionaries in Kenya. At two in the afternoon of July 20, 2001 was, was beaten and bruised as a Assarotti. Participate in the event of Lilliput Network, was among those who lifted up his hands painted white screaming: "No violence!".
agents and their leaders were then told that they were chasing a group of Black Bloc, which was a mess and someone threw the Molotov cocktails at them, which was not possible to distinguish between "good" and "bad" : lies unmasked during the process, as outlined by the judge. The bad guys were for real, and they were the policemen with sticks opened a large wound on the forehead of the pediatrician in Trieste. Since those agents, as in most of the incidents of the summit, have not been identified, Angela Latella decided to order the Interior Ministry. The number that will be paid in Marina Spaccini not
some sensational - five thousand euro between disability, moral and existential damage - but the point is obviously another.
"If it is clear that the Spaccini was subjected to an act of violence by a member of the police - says the judge - no one can even call into question that there was no question of either acting alone, excess of some self from some agent, nor a fatal incident during a legitimate police operation time and restore law and order seriously jeopardized. " Why
police intervention was not "legitimate", it is now clear enough. This was confirmed by witnesses and in a sense, the same policemen and officials, with their contradictions: "The attackers were several dozen, the order was to load them, disperse them and stop them," they said, when asked. But then it appears that only two boys were arrested (not injured), whose position also was later shelved. The peace was assisted by lawyers and Alessandra Ballerini Marco compartment. The court pointed out that photographs and videos taken in the classroom "were illuminating ":" You see people dressed normally handcuff; more police with batons hitting a person on the ground, helpless. The same Spaccini is a man of fifty, which is rightly emphasizes the look mild. " And then, the evidence as that of a septuagenarian lady who speaks of a "completely peaceful and happy event" and therefore have seen agents' savagely beat people with his hands up and helpless as you. " Marina Spaccini upheld the court with a smile: "It was just what I was waiting for six years. Justice. "
(Friday, May 4 2007)

Genoa: The G8 Quaestor, Francesco Colucci, "we put" With

Diego Marchesi, Fabio Bovi, and Charles Gawen at Genoa with a new article by Massimo Calandri Boccadasse of his confinement.

The case of the condemnation of the State for the beating of a militant network in the manner complained of Lilliput in Genoa UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the media, is finally, at least on the Internet, turning, maybe even a little 'thanks to But above all is running thanks to courageous journalists and memory as Calandri Massimo La Repubblica that career will certainly not for these items. Yes, even in the Republic there are honest journalists!

It 'sad that in a democracy and in apparent freedom of the press should be brave to write or Camorra mafia but not of repression by the state bodies. It 'absolutely
should read the bottom of this piece, the article Calandri the shameful evidence of a Quaestor of the Republic, Francesco Colucci, who does not know, can not remember, but between the lines, said a capital thing, "we put [the politics?] to act [and therefore violate the human rights of free and peaceful citizens]. " Obviously this article has crossed the boundaries Calandri edition of the Genoese Republic. E 'sustainable processes are no longer a national event?. What happened to the Commission of Inquiry promise? Where is the mainstream press, Bruno Vespa, Michele Santoro, Aldo Scissors, Giuliano Ferrara, Gad Lerner, Enrico Mentana, Giovanni Floris?
But remember when the imaginative skill for which a piece of flying concrete would unfortunately (sic) deflected the bullet fired into the air instead bounced right to kill Carlo Giuliani held bank in the newspapers for days and TG? TG I tried to convince us that she had gone for days in that curious way. Remember the ill Pinelli active in that hot day in December 1969 in Milan? Young people, if you do not remember asking, searching, demanding to know, you exercise your inalienable right to memory!

Charles Gawen: You are right, Gennaro after Genoa who no longer participated in demonstrations? Those hundreds of thousands of people where they are finished? Prior to Naples, then Genoa, then ... everything else. It 'been a crescendo of free beatings of slander, lies. This ruling is very important, a judge who said, referring to the charges, "They were instead part of a larger design, as well as the lies told to cover the latest atrocities" I would say that would be sufficient, in a democratic state, to call everything into question and immediately initiate a parliamentary committee of inquiry (but it was not planned? ah yes, it's true ...). Equally interesting was the audience yesterday, there speaks excellent Calandri Massimo, again on the issue of the Genoese Republic ... This time even the nineteenth century saw fit to write a few lines. Of course, everything is local.

Fabio Bovi: Fortunately, the days spent in Genoa 2001 a few have caused the opposite reaction [on terror and militancy all'allontanamentodalla] and instead of quitting in the house since then riesconoa not to participate and not feel involved. Since those days my fedenella democracy in the information in the state, are completamentecambiati. I hope that for many has been the same!
I'm happy for the verdict but the anger that I feel for the system, the media, the people who live in indifference continues to exceed much joy to see that some modicum of justice there 'yet. I know that this open wound in Genoa will continue 'to burn .. 'cause I know that will be' impossible in this country's disgusting to see the real culprits to the bar in those days were organized at the table "slaughter" of Genoa. This feeling of helplessness that prevents me from ever hope to contribute to how small and insignificant for the construction of another world ...

Diego Marchesi: The following address you can find a summary of the evidence gathered by prosecutors in the investigation
Abuse BOLZANETO, taken verbatim from the weekly Diario "Speciale Genova - the Truth" of July 21, 2006: http://

on "Other Links" lists links to other sites that deal with the G8 summit in Genoa, and you can see in some of the streaming videos on YouTube. Scenarios are disconcerting ones offered by the victims of the violence, physical and psychological. Scenarios that are more and more plausible by comparing and crossing the testimony of all who have passed the barracks of Bolzaneto in those days.

processes on cases Diaz School and Barracks Bolzaneto are still underway and the first verdicts are expected later this year.

------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
G8, the last truth about Diaz - Former Quaestor Colucci confesses: "I felt inadequate" The Republic (Genoa), May 4, 2007. Shocking testimony of the high official after six years of denials and "I do not remember"


the embarrassing interrogation Francesco Colucci, who in those days was still the Chief of the G8 in Genoa, gave the measure yesterday morning how difficult is the task of those who want to shed light on the wretched days of July 2001. After six years in what was then the highest authority of public security in this city (prefect excluded) fell in a series of contradictions and amnesia that have wowed the present. "I do not remember." "Maybe I wrong to talk. " "My statement was perhaps a bit 'naive, superficial." "I'm not sure, I swear before God and the Italian State." "Correct me, maybe it was inaccurate." Colucci for six hours answered questions of the prosecutor Enrico Zucca, in some cases when he was denying a statement made in previous years and giving information published. The night of the assault on the school, an official who was coordinating efforts was the vice-quaestor Murgolo Lorenzo. That for the massacre and the arrest of 93 illegal anti-globalization, as well as for false proof, is not accused. "Murgolo was the coordinator. But there were La Barbera and Gratteri beside him ...«. Statement that means nothing and everything, because - as the former superintendent of Genoa then reiterated - "I do not know at what point could count the hierarchy." In
an entire day spent in the classroom, Colucci did not clarify anything. Why they decided to operate via the Institute of Baptists? The version is that of the mysterious attack in the evening police patrols, and those types of suspects - "people are not happy, happy people ... but ugly faces, with threatening gestures, dressed in dark '- in front of the school. He wanted to give up, now the G8 was over, "but then all of us have decided to intervene: to identify the attackers and find any weapons. Do a search. " Who among the super-policemen pushed for the blitz? Colucci is a few names, then has second thoughts at the end explains that the prefect of La Barbera - who died - he agreed. "I felt a little 'inadequate' and confesses that in those days was the superintendent of Genoa.
had once said that the police chief, Gianni Di Gennaro, told him to call the head of the press, Roberto Sgalla: yesterday said that it was his initiative. He remained in police, who warned him of the discovery of Molotov cocktails? Colucci is at least three names, but does not remember. And it is in trouble when he has to tell about that cop who told him that he was impressed by the ghost of a knife as Phantom Black Bloc: "He was wearing a cotton sweater ... no ... a bulletproof vest. " Not to mention when spontaneously confesses that he learned of a crew of a squad that was entered by mistake in front of the Diaz school, but forget that it sent a report to the Di Gennaro wrote that those cops were doing a 'verification '.
"I only know that that night had to do something, we had to react to that thing. We were a bit 'at, we were packed. And we decided to intervene. " (Saturday, May 5, 2007)

Friday, May 4, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Fix Fence

First Face to Face - Taveggia head and shoulders above all

Being impartial is difficult for me is even more ... but I'll try to be balanced in its assessments.
The assessment of the five candidates is the result of the feelings of the large audience the meantime, the clapping and the grumbles.

The topics were:
- local politics and the formation of coalitions with why certain choices (in short, because the Northern League has gone alone)
- yes or no external departments (question from all restraint premature)
- questions over details of the various programs: *
Valsecchi: Using the glass building;
* Taveggia: alternative energy (cogenizzazione and photovoltaic) as an economic resource for the private and the town and for the protection of the environment;
* Fallara: parking under the ground of Villa Traversi;
* Buraschi: recovery center
* Ferrario:
relaunch trade -, and foothills landfill;
- security
- Meda Services;
- Trade and revitalization of downtown.

After these arguments put forward by the consultant that has done the timescales for each action, began the public inquiries on disparate subjects, most subjects were already affected. Among these is different than a citizen who asked for clarification on what you want to do for schools, arguing that the only Taveggia Recalling had faced shortages over the past 5 years of extraordinary maintenance program and, above all, highlighted by some parents, the big thematic integration of foreign pupils in schools and the problems associated with it.

We, therefore, judgments about the candidates in general;

storming: Celentano describes him as "slow." We see that a person who is in politics for at least thirty years and has sailed. Continues to emphasize that it is the left and speak only of the civil list which says it is made up of people from civil society. But you forget that the majority of his constituents and the center-left and "true" left, and, if victory, will govern with them too.

FERRARIO: After a decent start last night he made sure the palm of the person who shoots bigger. Meda needs of many priority actions for five years and we know that the addition of center-right has tried in every way to remove the works and services 10 years of government Taveggia / League. What was missing: the Palamedes ... Here is the proposal: take it apart and move it! Aside from the cost but here we really are in that chapter is called "promises and dreams" ... you shoot in the election campaign and then nothing is done;

VALSECCHI: he shared ideas, others less so, however, in line with the proposals of other coalitions on issues of particular importance. And 'little incisive and make better use of the microphone;

Taveggia : Part I will define, but like 15 years from now, in these comparisons is the best. It 'a cut above everyone. Do not shoot the big and difficult talks. He had the courage, the only one to address the issue of safety and emphasize the problems of illegal immigration (on this topic has had the most intense applause of the whole evening) and, as previously stated, the problem of integrating of foreign children in schools. And relevance to the theme of environmental protection.

FALLARA: he lacks, in this campaign, the sacrificial lamb: Adelio Asnaghi. Here it is then supported by specific questions from his audience, attack a little to the right and left. To be assessed on their program yesterday that very little has been mentioned.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

How Long Does Flagyl Take To Stop Trich Symptoms?


Here we are. The official election campaign started a few days (actually a few months ago that you can breathe the air campaign) and, now, tonight we have the first major confrontation between the suitors.

At 21 hours, at the auditorium of School Anne Frank in via Giovanni XXIII, will take place the first face to face between the candidates for the office of mayor for the City of Meda, an event organized by the "Journal of Seregno. It 's the first, but certainly not the last, it is known that there are two more 11 and May 24 of which I will give more details of their approach.

qundi will present the candidates for
Taveggia Giorgio Fiorenza League Lombard League-North and MEDA-Ideal City
FERRARIO Joseph AN, FI, Seniors, PRI and UDC
storming LOUIS L'Olive, United Meda, Left and Environment, with Buraschi for Meda
FALLARA Diego Area Secular
VALSECCHI ALDO to Live in Meda

worth noting the importance to be put up at these meetings, not only event to meet people, programs and ideas, to "cheer" the own candidate, but also to participate in the debate with questions and clarify any doubts.

said that not only have to bring us all in the auditorium Anne Frank School, attend carefully to the debate alive .... and .... you know who!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Letter Wedding Services

From Number 17 May 1 May 2 '07


The French Revolution was seen (rightly) the largest watershed in human history. In fact it was born the modern era and made it gradually gains some important rights, first of all the political equality. All this is true, of course. But you can not disregard the fact that a revolution always comes from the same land that has nurtured and generated, as does a plant growing where it was washed down with water. And although he now wants to subvert that his land for him as "stepmother", it would still be deeply dependent on a cultural standpoint. terror and violence that created the French Revolution, the advent of a new Caesar and a new restoration, therefore, were the unmistakable symptoms of a change only apparent. As if to emphasize that without a real new Hegemony the cultural substratum of a land, a state or of a nation not only does not die but indeed even renewed its power, under the banners of reinvigorating a new institution its own vile empire. The Revolution was really the only method, the last desperate attempt, the 'Ancient Regime had to use in order to consolidate the eyes of a world that was changing?
Already in mid-nineteenth century, Karl Marx spoke of modern man as a man closely split in their ego, and alienated as fully equal to other than the State (the modern state) but at the same time perfectly unequal to everyone in relation to civil society. And the point is this: political equality's sake, did not lead (and the rest could not successfully) to that improvement so desired. Conversely it is understood that the only real emancipation could only come from the bottom, or from social dall'eguaglianza. Social Quell'eguaglianza that there is still denied.

Moon Distance Clipart


lists all parties are on Saturday afternoon and officers. It starts officially with the campaign. A few new names on the lists submitted by political parties or civic lists that will participate in the election of 27/28 May. Exception: The Northern League, with many candidates are very young and new faces to the Medes and policy, especially the civil list MEDA-CITY 'ideal, except for its leaders, prof. Valtorta, presents all known characters in Meda, but never appeared in politics. Here is the list: No.

name ------ date of birth place of residence
------ 1 --- Valtorta ANGELO FAUSTO 13/09/1962---
15/09/1959--- MEDA MEDA
02/04/1936 PAOLA --- 9 --- TOBIA CARLO MEDA 01/05/1963---
RIGAMONTI MARIA LUISA 10 --- 11 06/07/1963--- MEDA
Pitre GENTILE MATTHEW --- 10/03/1971--- MEDA
07/05/1975--- MEDA MEDA
16/11/1983--- PIZZETTI MAXIMUM --- 14 --- 15/04/1953--- Candler GIAN PIERO MILANO ROOT RAFFAELE
15 --- 16
03/08/1971--- MEDA MEDA
23/01/1958--- VINCENZI GIULIA --- 17 --- TAGLIABUE GIOVANNA 20/11/1957--- CABIATE
18 Aliprandi FULVIO EMILIO 06/04/1946--- SEREGNO
--- 19 --- DELLAGHEZZ A PAOLA CARLA GAETANA 23/07/1958---
MEDA MEDA 20 Tragni BARBARA --- 16/04/1987---

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Proper Gay Cruising Etiquette

- The Labour Day

Arbeit Macht Frei

The Lord is the power that dominates the being, while this being is the power that weighs on the individual , so in that provision syllogistic, the lord was under him that other individual. Likewise, the Lord is related to the thing in such a way mediated through the servant, the servant as self-consciousness generally refers to a negative thing and takes it, but for him it is at the same time independent Epper, with His deny it, can never destroy it completely, ie the servant with his work that does not turn . Instead, for such mediation, the relationship immediately becomes the lord of the pure negation same thing: that enjoyment, that he could not appetite, is able to enjoy this act of: exhausting the thing and settle down in the enjoyment [...]. The man who brought the servant of the thing itself, it concludes that only the dependence of thing, and only enjoy it, however the side of the independence of what he leaves it to the servant that processes . [...] . So you recognize and produced a one-sided and unequal. Unessential consciousness is, therefore, for the ladies, the object constituting the truth of the certainty of itself. It is clear, however, that the object does not correspond to its concept: it is rather clear that precisely where the Lord has found its fulfillment, he has become something completely different an independent consciousness ; not such a conscience is for him, but rather a dependent consciousness: he is not, therefore, some of 'being-for-itself as truth, rather the truth is rather the unessential consciousness and the inessential operate it itself. The truth the independent consciousness is accordingly the servile consciousness . This appears to be first but outside of itself and not as the truth of self. But as the lady showed that its essence is the opposite of what the rule is meant to be the same, so the easement in its completion become quite the opposite of what it is that it immediately, it will in itself as consciousness refocused itself and will turn true independence. [...] Through the work it [consciousness] come to herself. At the time corresponding to appetite in the mind of man, but that seemed to touch the side of the servile consciousness inessential to report it, because here it maintains its independence. The appetite is for the pure negation of the object, and then the intact sense of self. But this satisfaction is itself only a dispel, because it lacks the side objective or the exist. The work, however, has curbed appetite , is a vanishing retained, namely: work form . The negative relationship to the object becomes shape of the object, it becomes something that persists ; and this why people who work the object has independence. The average negative or operate the course are at the same time the singularity or pure being-for-itself of consciousness that now, at work, comes out of himself in the element of permanence: well, then, consciousness comes to the intuition of being independent who works as itself. [...]. So, just at work, where it seemed that it was a strange sense , consciousness through this discovery of itself through itself and becomes sense. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, " The Phenomenology of Spirit" )

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nyc Landlord Broken Washer

April 25 - Liberation Day

of Pier Paolo Pasolini

not the Arab people, not Balkan people, not old people but
living nation, but nation European
and what are you? Land of infants, hungry, corrupt rulers
employees of agricultural, prefects pigtails,
avvocatucci smeared with grease and dirty feet,
officials liberal bigots carcasses as uncles,
a barracks, a workshop, a public beach, a casino!
Millions of lower middle class as millions of hogs graze
pushing under the unscathed mansions,
between crumbling colonial houses now as churches.
existed precisely because you are not now exist,
because you were conscious, you're unconscious.
And just because you're Catholic, you can not think
that your evil is all evil because of all evil.
sank at your beautiful sea, the free world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How Can I Play Planatary Pinball On Funbrain


The civil list "Meda Project, headed by prof. Angelo Fausto Valtorta, has decided to support the mayoral candidate of the Northern League, dr. Fiorenzo Taveggia Giorgio, former Mayor of Meda 1992 to 2001. This
as a natural result of several meetings between the two political parties, during which it was possible to test a wide convergence of program administration.
However, the agreement would not have been possible if the basis there had been a mutual respect, which was already at a time when the two men were directors of Meda, although in two different roles of majority and opposition. Indeed
prof. Valtorta was leader of the Polo (FI, AN, CDU) opposition junta's Northern League, led, of course, by Dr.. Taveggia; in those 10 years prof. Valtorta, while bringing forward the views and programs different from those of the junta Taveggia, it has been able to appreciate the honesty and determination in making the mayor's interests, and personal details and never for the good of Meda.
This political agreement and planning that is now born with the essential aim of moving our city from a state of stagnation and decay in which, over the past five years, appears to be precipitated. The list
civic Meda Project ", together with the Northern League team, it is proposed government action essentially intended to enhance and grow the great potential that our Meda, despite everything, has not yet lost.
The union of political forces, civil list "Meda Project and the Northern League, does not want to get lost in sterile polemics with those who have mismanaged in the past, and certainly no" tabula rasa "of existence: on the contrary, is animated by the desire to look forward to improving the quality of life of all citizens Medes.
Strengthened by this conviction, we present the opinions of voters who do not look as a simple reservoir of votes, but as active players to be involved fully in administrative.

List civic project Meda

Friday, April 20, 2007

Whats The Difference Between Coach Coach Factory

Northern League and civic list "MEDA-CITY 'IDEAL' Allied Taveggia MAYOR

It can not be denied, but was in the air since last night's official: the Northern League and civic list "MEDA-CITY 'IDEAL' list headed by prof. Angelo Fausto Valtorta, run together in the forthcoming elections in support of the proposed trade union Taveggia George Fiorenzo.
The announcement came during a joint press conference held yesterday evening at the headquarters of the League of Via Solferino Medes.
Public, then the press release issued by mayoral candidate George Fiorenzo Taveggia:

"E 'with pleasure and satisfaction that we present this week the birth of this political partnership of local administration.
Let me say a few words about Prof. Fausto Valtorta I knew and appreciated the City Council for ten years.
a person of great political and professional skills, which has proven to work for a high purpose, even with joy because he knows that the adherence to a higher ideal makes us happy, lifting it from the flat uniformity in which lie too many arrogant, closed on their own selfishness and attached to your cadreghino. Just by Fausto
I learned that for any activity that takes place is important to bring a contribution to the lives of others is not only limited to personal satisfaction. Thanks to Fausto
I had proof that selfishness is the most sterile of life event.
In any ideal, in this case political, the important thing is not to seek the narrow self-interest, but, above all, the good of all and our society.
I know that the commitment to their ideal alive and make us more united so that our performance will be vastly superior.

The two lists are combined by choosing Taveggia to be Mayor but with the help of the concrete and direct and irreplaceable Prof. Fausto Valtorta which touches also be the Deputy Mayor of Meda, of course if you win.
We have already put to work fixing the gradual stages to achieve the goals we have set with their programs that need to translate into practice the idea that moves us and we want to achieve. Disclose them later.

We look at this experience with eye serene, looking for the best part of all things, playing down everything that is negative over us, because we know where to go, we have very clear ideas about where we want to go and which road to travel. Who walks strengthens the legs, who's still lazy. We're flying!

This union of the Northern League and the list of Meda Meda-Ideal City Project starts from a point interrupted five years ago. We are not to complain or to cry, but before the obstacles that we found we did not give up, we fought because of the difficulties are made to be overcome and won. Knowing how to wait is an art unknown to many of impatience, but on the contrary, today, after a wait of five years, we want to fight to overcome certain stumbling and gather all our energies to achieve the goal and give visibility to Meda.

conclude by thanking my enemies who have poured a lot of slander against, because they were the most valuable contributors to our growth and human politics, we have refined that we were obliged to acquire the virtues necessary for our life and, above all recognize friendship as an important and precious value. Thank you Fausto and thanks to all your men and women who have accepted to follow and work for a better future. "

I hope, every other day, to be able to get the list of candidates for municipal councilor of the List Project Meda" ... and then publish it ...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Can A Chest Infection Harm A Fetus

BURIAL FNM - will we ever see him??

I recently received from the Landfill Committee Ferrovie Nord Milano an important mail. From this I understand that the hopes nourished before Christmas about, at least, the opening of a crack on the front basement (he spoke of the appropriation of € 100,000 for The feasibility study is the work in Sevenoaks with possible expansion to Meda), now seem to fade away for the umpteenth time. In the Region do not want to listen to reason: the burying of trafficking in Northern Railway Milan interested in Seveso and Meda not want to do.
I ask you now: will we ever see these lines underground?
The traffic situation gets worse day by day, and I speak mainly for Meda, due to air pollution, and seems more unbearable (the data of the Regione Lombardia Meda say is the most polluted city in the region !!!).
Add to this that the work should start in 2009 in the foothills that profoundly affect Meda with the placement of a toll / toll access in the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction of the highway Milano-Meda (remember, toll greeted with applause by the Adelio Asnaghi mayor who called him "a source of pride for our city").
The closure of some access highway such as Seveso, lead to a huge concentration of traffic in Meda and its toll.
From bad to worse ....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gay Cruising Portland Ore

MEDA - Piazza Cavour - There is little to celebrate!

Usually the inauguration of a new opera is a party town with the involvement of all citizens. Today in Meda opens after two years of work, the hotly contested redesign of Piazza Cavour.
Two years and more of the work, arguments, broken promises, a number of projects that undeciphered alternated weekly to find the best solution. The result: a work that satisfies nobody and does not like.
is asked very often to government accountability monetary cost of the work. In this case we can just say that this work has cost a lot but not only in financial terms ... it is the social price that people paid on their skin to make us think. The administration choices
AN / FI / UDC / PRI led not only inconvenience to residents but, more importantly, the almost total annihilation of the retail trade in the area, forcing the closure of shops historical Meda, the result of a lifetime of work and sacrifices.
But now, who will use this forum? An expanse of porphyry devoid of soul, green and landmarks.
course, I usually labeled as the citizen who is not happy about anything that is against or for bias. But the result is clear for all to see ... just stopping (ops. .. you can not have removed almost all the free parking in the surrounding areas to identify new!) Observe and, balancing love and reason, ask: was it worth it?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bob Xl Punching Dummy VS Universitor

IACT ALEA EST! Here is a preview
! Just to prove that the charges of "alleged" connivance between action and UNIVERSITOR UNIVERSITY mentioned by our newspaper are absolutely unfounded. For those who want to learn more, including some new review will be ready with all the background documentation and accurate. In the meantime, I urge anyone who has even suggested moving forward with a libel on our part to change his mind.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How To Install Ceiling Drapes

"Taveggia MAYOR" - now active Blogs

E 'of today officially active at the blog "Taveggia Mayor." The invitation is to visit my blog consistently and participate in discussions that will from time to time proposals.

Prometh With Coding On Shelf

Editorial number 15 11 April '07


Life and politics are certainly not the terms of a dichotomy. fact as it may seem paradoxical, perhaps the one (policy) is an absolutely necessary component for the other. There is no life without politics then. Nevertheless, the building of our modern individualism would seem to suggest quite the opposite. Today the reality is really become one with capitalism and this shows nothing more than a certain immutability of the system. In other words: another world is not really possible. And even imaginable. This is the only scenario in which, willy-nilly, we must necessarily relate things to take stock of the situation. The problem today is that our life is clearly limited solely to the private. What I mean is that really no longer able to live in some dimension that is political, and indeed it seems that this has not in us any more importance. But it is not. And precisely because of this can only emerge strongly (in times like these anywhere else), frustrated that requirement to restore a political meaning to his life: just politicize it. In fact, stifled the "political will to live" remains an ineradicable instinct and inalienable human right that is. To say you want to politicize their lives means so only claim that it was denied. What is needed therefore is break strong chains of bourgeois individualism and look beyond the constraints that this imposes on us our reality. Would you say well Galan Wenceslao: "blackmail the reality is that of closing each of us according to his life." politicized But life is nothing but the life you consciously say no to this blackmail. The life that wants to return to live and wants to live again. The life that is resistant to common sense. The life that "the reality hole" and claims that each new hole itself.